School of Yoga is a Yoga resource which seeks to become a complete knowledge center for classical yoga.
Dharma is the natural state of entity. Eg. a heart pumps blood. Likewise, humans live in peace when they live in a society where all are committed to order.
What is sanatana-dharma? Why is it called universal? How does it integrate the various aspects of life in Bharat (India)? What are it's components?
Vedanta, also known as Shruti (that which is recited), forms part of the Vedas. It forms the philosophical base of much of Sanātana dharma philosophy.
If a person were to desire a single exercise that would meet all the requirements of health, then that would be the Sun-salutation or sūryanamaskāra
Padmasana is the most important of all meditation poses. The reason is that it balances the left and right sides of the body, allowing a stable pose.
Yoga therapy is a simple way of harnessing natures healing powers to increase physical and psychological health, and to remain in psychosomatic balance.
Yoga Therapy is simple and can integrate into any lifestyle. It requires no investment, a mat and normal clothes will do. All it needs is willingness to change.
Bandhana is the principle that whenever we transact with any object, it will result in a bond & relationship between us and the object we are transacting with.
Whenever we are in any situation, our behaviour and outcome is determined by how we view ourselves. This is called Self-Awareness or asmita.
Māya means illusion or farce. The concept gets its drive from the logic that everything that we see or experience in the world is temporary, hence illusionary.
Shad-darśana comprises nyāya (logic), vaiśeṣika ( nature of elements), sānkhya (union of prakriti and purusha), yoga, mīmāṃsā (rituals) and vedānta
Guṇa, also known as attributes, is the driver of our attitude in any situation. Our guṇa determines how we address and manage change.